5 Pillars Wellness

For all of my classes, I offer you a referral fee if you refer a friend who takes one of my classes.  It is my way of thanking you!

For  the "Birthday Activation and other Special Sessions"

click here.​​​

Energy Medicine: Calm in Chaos
When:  Thurs. March   9 at 6:30-8 PM EST
Where: Attend live or via Zoom
Email me to receive link;  Note: Session – recorded if you can't be there​​​

Cost: $15 – or $75/6-month Subscription

Envision your life as it happens around you.  Is it filled with stress, over commitments, trauma, and chaos?  Is your sleep disturbed, your energy drained and your peace of mind non-existent?  Then you are  "the storm " on a path of  eventual destruction.  It is not sustainable. If you want to explore a new way to connect to calmness and peace of mind, we will explore the path of "being the eye of the storm" and how to choose calmness amidst the chaos in life.  Join me, you’ll be glad you did!

Pre-registration required to obtain Zoom Link. Click here.

Distance Reiki Share

Date: Sunday, March 26

Time: 7:00 PM ET 

Location:  Zoom Online

Cost:  No charge. Pay it Forward!

Anyone who is Reiki I certified and higher may join our Zoom distance Reiki share.  Since everything is energy, it doesn't matter if we share our light in person or from a distance.  Reiki energy is powerful and healing and certainly what we all could use right now!  Join me so we can connect heart to heart and share the gift of Reiki with each other and any special intentions.

Pre-registration required to obtain Zoom Link.Click here.

Reiki I & II Certification   
Dates:  2-Day Class*
When: 2nd Quarter 2023

Where:  ​In-person (Hockessin, DE)
Time:  12:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Cost: $250/class or $450 for both
($150 deposit required)​
Pre-Registration Required: 
Click here

​​Reiki is a hands-on technique for stress reduction that promotes healing by rebalancing the energy.  It is the vibration of unconditional love!  Reiki training and certification classes are offered for beginners through the Master teacher levels.   To learn more  Click here

*(Manual and materials provided. They are mailed to you prior to class if online)

Healing With Unconditional Love
 Available on You Tube
3-Part Class 6 -Hours
Cost: $99​   Registration Required: 
Click here
Note:  All sessions are recorded. Listen at your convenience. 

The biggest obstacle to healing is a person's inability to live in unconditional self-love.  Ask yourself, can you accept yourself for who you are right now, even with your faults and weaknesses?  Or are you waiting until after you lose that extra weight, gain someone's approval, accomplish that next big challenge in life, or fix what is "wrong" with you?  The dilemma is that it is very difficult to "fix what is wrong or unbalanced" if you "conditionally" love yourself because  at some level you will never be worthy or deserving of healing.   

This class is for you if you:

  • let other people's  opinions and judgments impact how you feel about yourself
  • struggle with health or life issues and nothing you  do seems to help
  • love yourself or others with "conditions"  (love filled with words and feelings of if, but and when)
  • We use powerful tools and activities to uncover your blocks and release them so you can fill the space with true unconditional self-love and healing.  

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​New Moon Guided Meditation 
Offering:  See dates below
Location: Via phone or computer (Zoom)
Cost:  $15/session or 6 months for $75.
​​Note:  All sessions are recorded so you can listen live or at your convenience 

The New Moon energy is for creating freshness in your life and recharging your body, mind and spirit. New Moon energy can assist you in rededicating existing intentions and in going deeper in setting new intentions to create blessings in your life and the world.   We will work with angelic quantum colors, Theta Healing downloads and breath.   As a group we’ll set intentions for ourselves and the world radiating out positive love and light and creating higher vibrational energy  for all who are open to receiving it. ​

Reiki Certification, NCBTMB CEs, energy medicine, meditation


​​For all of my classes, I offer you a referral fee if you refer a friend who takes one of my classes.  It is my way of thanking you!

​                 For Birthday Activations and other Special Sessions Click here.​​​

Virtual  Reiki Share

When: Bi-Monthly

Where:  Via Zoom or join in-person

Email me for the link or address

Cost:  Pay It Forward

We are gathering  virtually  this month to share the gift of Reiki.  Come to the session with some intentions both personal and for other people, situations and the world that need healing.   We’ll divide into smaller groups and give each other Reiki then meet as a larger group and send healing Reiki to the bigger issues.   Pass this on to others if you know someone who is Reiki I or higher certified if you think they’d like to take part.  If you are interested in becoming Reiki I, II or Master certified, call or email me about upcoming classes.  Please let me know if you are attending.

​​​​​Pre-registration required to obtain Zoom Link. Click here.

Energy Medicine Class
​2-Part Weight Management Class

Recorded &  Available on You Tube

Cost: $98 Includes all handouts
​​​​If you have ever struggled with weight in any way, too much, too little, yo-yoing up and down, I will share how you can start to see success and consistency using many of the Energy Medicine tools I have learned from Eden Energy Medicine.  There are so many factors that go into weight management beside diet, calories in/out, and exercise.  I will show you how to test your food to see if it supports or weakens you, find a good weight range for you, share acupressure points that help regulate the body’s needs, cravings, and ability to support your digestion. metabolism and elimination systems.  We will also focus on the emotional blocks that prevent you from achieving your weight goals.  I think you will find this information to be invaluable!  I hope you decide to watch and learn from this course..

​​Registration required: Click here

Healing With Unconditional Love
 Recorded & Available on You Tube
3-Part Class 6 -Hours
Cost: $99​   Includes all handouts

The biggest obstacle to healing is a person's inability to live in unconditional self-love.  Ask yourself, can you accept yourself for who you are right now, even with your faults and weaknesses?  Or are you waiting until after you lose that extra weight, gain someone's approval, accomplish that next big challenge in life, or fix what is "wrong" with you?  The dilemma is that it is very difficult to "fix what is wrong or unbalanced" if you "conditionally" love yourself because  at some level you will never be worthy or deserving of healing.   

This class is for you if you:

  • let other people's  opinions and judgments impact how you feel about yourself
  • struggle with health or life issues and nothing you  do seems to help
  • love yourself or others with "conditions"  (love filled with words and feelings of if, but and when)
  • We use powerful tools and activities to uncover your blocks and release them so you can fill the space with true unconditional self-love and healing.  

Registration Required:  Click here

Wed.  1/29/25

Thurs. 2/27/25

Sun, 3/30/25

Sun.. 4/27/25

Tues.. 5/27/25

Wed. 6/25/25

​​​​​​​​​Public Classes - Online & In-Person